Day 62: Symphony No. 4 in B flat Major (Haitink)

My office today is a nearby Barnes & Noble, a place I haven’t spent much time in lately because they don’t have what I like to buy: CDs, DVDs, Blu-rays, and books that aren’t the latest NY Times Bestseller pablum. I used to love going to B&N when it was in its old location. Parking … [Read more…]

Day 61: Symphony No. 4 in B flat Major (Furtwangler)

This morning I am listening to Wilhelm Furtwangler (1886-1954), the Wiener Philharmoniker, and Beethoven’s Symphony No. 4 in B flat Major. Even if his conducting wasn’t legendary, I’d likely be a fan of Maestro Furtwangler just because it’s fun to say his name: “Furtwangler.” See? I’m smiling right now as I say it. I have … [Read more…]

Day 60: Symphony No. 4 in B flat Major (Cluytens)

My listening post this morning is a Bob Evans Restaurant. In Fort Wayne, Indiana. I figured a change of pace would do me good. Not really. I’m here on business. So here I sit, eating a Homestead breakfast (love the sausage gravy and biscuits!), being waited on by a very nice lady named Antonia who … [Read more…]

Day 59: Symphony No. 4 in B flat Major (Bohm)

My listening post today is my happy place – the second floor of the local library. Here, I can survey the landscape and think thoughts as big as the vista before me. It’s the perfect setting for listening to Beethoven’s Symphony No. 4 in B flat Major as rendered by Austrian conductor Karl Bohm (1894-1981) … [Read more…]

Day 58: Symphony No. 4 in B flat Major (Blomstedt)

This morning, as I wait to meet up with my mom and brother for breakfast, I find myself sitting in a Tim Horton’s restaurant sipping coffee and eating a Boston Creme donut. Both are delicious. Just what I needed to start my morning. Well, that and conductor Herbert Blomstedt (1927- ), my wife, Staatskapelle Dresden, … [Read more…]

Day 57: Symphony No. 4 in B flat Major (Bernstein)

My office this morning overlooks the lake. The temperature is 65 degrees Fahrenheit. There is a slight breeze out of the East. I’m sipping a Breakfast Blend coffee from Bagel Beanery, munching on Dry Roasted & Salted Almonds from Trader Joe’s, and pondering why in the hell I like Leonard Bernstein’s performances so much. I … [Read more…]

Day 56: Symphony No. 4 in B flat Major (Barenboim)

I think I’m addicted to Mexican chicken omelettes (with plenty of hot sauce) from New Beginnings restaurant. Or, maybe, I simply like restaurants where I can just sit, without being bothered too much, and have endless cups of coffee poured for me while I work. Some restaurants in town are unsuitable for that – for … [Read more…]

Day 55: Symphony No. 4 in B flat Major (Abbado)

My office this morning is the one and only Chick-fil-A, a restaurant chain run so well, so politely, serving such delicious food that it ought to be a crime to not eat here. Today starts a whole new cycle of Beethoven’s symphonies for me, which means I’m back to the “A” in my conductor roster: … [Read more…]

Day 54: Symphony No. 3 in E flat Major (Zinman)

This morning, I am listening to American conductor David Zinman (1936- ), Tonhalle Orchester Zurich, and Beethoven’s Symphony No. 3 in E flat Major. Prior to my Beethoven project, I had only vaguely heard of Maestro Zinman. According to his bio on Wikipedia, “[Zinman] then worked in Maine with Pierre Monteux from 1958 to 1962, … [Read more…]

Day 53: Symphony No. 3 in E flat Major (Wand)

First of all, today is 9/11. So, on this day, especially during the morning hours, I always reflect on the attack in New York. I remember watching the TV coverage live as it happened. I was in the meeting room of the ad agency where I worked at the time. All of us were. We … [Read more…]