Day 52: Symphony No. 3 in E flat Major (Szell)

My office this morning is my office. (Yes, I like the 1960s TV series Lost in Space.) Anyway, I was going to visit another restaurant/coffee shop this morning. But all the booths were full. So I just kept driving until I got to my office. Here, I’ll listen to “Hungarian-born Jewish-American conductor and composer” George … [Read more…]

Day 51: Symphony No. 3 in E flat Major (Rattle)

My spot for today’s Beethoven blog is one of my favorites. It is, in fact, my happy place: the second floor of the local library. The view is spectacular – a field (granted, it was once a landfill but now it’s a field) bordered by trees. Sometimes, as I’m sitting at one of the tables, … [Read more…]

Day 50: Symphony No. 3 in E flat Major (Monteux)

I have a love/hate relationship with Fall. On the love side, I dig the cooler temperatures, the lower humidity, and the snap in the air. As Fall progresses (at least, here in Michigan) I enjoy the changing colors on the trees. October is my favorite month, partly because of Ray Bradbury’s incomparable book Something Wicked … [Read more…]

Day 49: Symphony No. 3 in E flat Major (Konwitschny)

Because I love Chick-fil-A restaurants so much, I’m back here again, this time listening to Beethoven’s Symphony No. 3 in E flat Major as rendered by Franz Konwitschny, the quirky German conductor who always delivers a fine performance but who isn’t as well known these days as he probably should be. From his bio on … [Read more…]

Day 48: Symphony No. 3 in E flat Major (Klemperer)

This morning, I am sitting at a nearby Chick-fil-A restaurant. The sun has just risen. The sky is overcast. The time is 7:33am. My wife joined me this morning because, technically, we’re both on vacation for the next few days. And yet here we are – me at my blog and she and her laptop … [Read more…]

Day 47: Symphony No. 3 in E flat Major (Karajan)

After trying and failing to find an “office” location this morning, I ended up right back where I started: home. So, I made my own coffee. I ate a bowl of home-made chicken noodle soup. And I gazed out at the ducks meandering on the lake out back. In the background, just slightly out of … [Read more…]

Day 46: Symphony No. 3 in E flat Major (Karajan)

My listening spot of choice this morning is, once again, our balcony. Truth be told, it’s my favorite place to listen to music and write. But it means I’ll have to drive farther to get to my office when I’m done; whereas, if I was at Panera I’d be a mile and a half from … [Read more…]

Day 45: Symphony No. 3 in E flat Major (Jochum)

My listening spot this morning is the cafeteria of Forest Hills Foods, where a Starbucks Blonde Roast (yeah, I know it’s a pour over) and a blueberry donut with cream cheese frosting are in order. It’s a nice place to be – as long as I don’t watch CNN on one of the TVs dangling … [Read more…]

Day 44: Symphony No. 3 in E flat Major (Haitink)

In this Beethoven project, I first encountered Dutch conductor Bernard Haitink (1929- ) on Day 8, and then again on Day 26. On those two days – as it will be for the next six times I hear Haitink conduct – the orchestra is the London Symphony Orchestra. The back of the liner notes tells … [Read more…]

Day 43: Symphony No. 3 in E flat Major (Furtwangler)

Today, I have the legendary German conductor Wilhelm Furtwangler on tap. Speaking of which, my office this morning would have been outside on the deck surrounded by lovely flowers in pots and a nice view of the turtles, fish, herons, and ducks on the lake. As it is, my office while I listen to Beethoven’s … [Read more…]