Day 92: Symphony No. 6 in F major (Barenboim)

I’m back in my happy place – the second floor of our local library, overlooking the wide field out back. Today, in addition to the rain and hail slapping against windows and roof, I am listening to Argentine conductor Daniel Barenboim, Staatskapelle Berlin, and Beethoven’s Symphony No. 6 in F major. This is a wonderful … [Read more…]

Day 91: Symphony No. 6 in F major (Abbado)

My office this morning is the cafeteria in D&W. We have many food stores in town, including two major chains – D&W is one; Meijer is the other. D&W’s cafeteria is where I am this morning. Since it would be the height of douchebaggery to just sit here taking up space, I bought a Starbucks … [Read more…]

Day 90: Symphony No. 5 in C minor (Zinman)

My office this morning is my office this morning. I’m sipping coffee from Bagel Beanery, munching on roasted almonds, listening to David Zinman (1936- ), Tonhalle Orchester Zurich, and Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5 in C minor. Today is the last time I hear to Beethoven’s Fifth in this 162-day project of mine. Tomorrow, I return … [Read more…]

Day 89: Symphony No. 5 in C minor (Wand)

My work station this morning is under the Golden Arches. That’s right: McDonald’s, the world-famous restaurant chain known for its French fries, Big Macs, Egg McMuffins…and food seemingly extruded from the same stuff so that it tastes the same and looks the same the world over. I decided to stop here for an hour or … [Read more…]

Day 88: Symphony No. 5 in C minor (Szell)

My “office” this morning is the Restaurant-Chain-That-Must-Not-Be-Named for coffee and a bagel. And, of course, a helping of Hungarian-born American conductor and composer George Szell (1897-1970), the Cleveland Orchestra, and Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5 in C minor. Hot dog! Do I have a couple of hours lined up for myself, or what? I have to … [Read more…]

Day 87: Symphony No. 5 in C minor (Rattle)

Today is gorgeous. The temperature is 57 degrees (Fahrenheit), under blue skies, with just a slight 9-mile-per-hour breeze out of the South. So I wasted no time setting up my makeshift desk and got to work listening to English conductor Sir Simon Rattle (1955- ), The Wiener Philharmoniker, and Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5 in C … [Read more…]

Day 86: Symphony No. 5 in C minor (Monteux)

My listening post this evening is in my recliner in front of the TV, with the classic movie The Dirty Dozen playing in the background. In the foreground is French conductor Pierre Monteux (1875-1964), the Boston Symphony, and Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5 in C minor. It’s an interesting juxtaposition, I can assure you. In my … [Read more…]

Day 85: Symphony No. 5 in C minor (Konwitschny)

My office this afternoon comes complete with Pumpkin Whoopie Pies and a glass of cold rice “milk.” (It’s actually called Rice Drink. But it’s the color of milk and it comes in a half gallon carton like milk does. So I call it milk.) This time of year is when the Pumpkin Whoopie Pies emerge … [Read more…]

Day 84: Symphony No. 5 in C minor (Klemperer)

This morning, I find myself listening to German conductor Otto Klemperer (1885-1973), Philharmonia Orchestra, and Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5 in C minor. I’ve experienced Maestro Klemperer four times previous to this morning, on… Day 12. Rating: “Huzzah!” Day 30. Rating: “Meh!” Day 48. Rating: “Huzzah!” Day 66. Rating: “Meh!” Two “Huzzah!” and two “Meh!” ratings. … [Read more…]

Day 83: Symphony No. 5 in C minor (Karajan)

This morning, I return to Austrian conductor Herbert von Karajan (1908-1989), the Berliner Philharominiker, and Beethoven’s incomparable Symphony No. 5 in C minor. We’ve had a blustery, cold, rainy Fall here in West Michigan. October is my favorite month – normally. This year, it’s one of my least favorite. It’s been too cold and rainy … [Read more…]