Day 162: Symphony No. 9 in D minor (Zinman)

Today is the last day of my 162-day project. (That’s nearly six straight months, to you and me.) It would be foolhardy of me to claim I didn’t learn anything, or that I didn’t enjoy myself. Once again, I learned a lot. And I had fun doing it. So these 162 days were time well … [Read more…]

Day 161: Symphony No. 9 in D minor (Wand)

I don’t really have a listening post this evening. Well, I do. But it’s the same as they have been for awhile. So why subject anyone else to my rut? I’m just listening to German conductor Gunter Wand (1912-2002), North German Radio Symphony Orchestra, and Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 in D minor. I’ve encountered Maestro … [Read more…]

Day 146: Symphony No. 9 in D minor (Barenboim)

My listening post today is a local Barnes & Noble bookstore. For being 2pm, this place is surprisingly busy. We have a couple of hours before we go next door to the theater to watch the documentary Maria By Callas, a documentary about (arguably) the most famous female opera singer of the past 100 years. … [Read more…]

Day 144: Symphony No. 8 in F major (Zinman)

My listening post this morning is in front of our Christmas tree, overlooking a frozen lake. To my left is a mug of coffee and – in my 5-CD changer – are the first five Jefferson Starship albums turned down low, like the music would be in a restaurant. To my right is a notepad … [Read more…]

Day 143: Symphony No. 8 in F major (Wand)

My listening post this morning is in the cafeteria of one of the local grocery store chains. At this hour, there are only two older gentlemen sharing this space with me. There was a third guy. But he left. Shortly after I took this picture, these two cats left, too. And now I’m here alone. … [Read more…]

Day 134: Symphony No. 8 in F major (Haitink)

I love getting up early. In fact, the earlier the better. I have a specific morning ritual that goes like this: I wake up at 5:01 (I always set my alarm for the :01 after whatever time; I like the specific-ness of it). I sit in meditation for 20-30 minutes. I make and imbibe 2-3 … [Read more…]

Day 128: Symphony No. 8 in F major (Barenboim)

With the 1960s folk band The Seekers playing in the background, a cup of Trader Joe’s Light Roast coffee beside me, and Judith Durham‘s dulcet tones in my ears – at least, before I pop in my earbuds, at which time Argentine conductor Daniel Barenboim (1942- ), Staatskapelle Berlin, and Beethoven’s Symphony No. 8 in … [Read more…]

Day 126: Symphony No. 7 in A major (Zinman)

Today marks the end of my journey through Beethoven’s Seventh, as interpreted by 17 different conductors in 18 different CD box sets. (Remember: Herbert von Karajan got two box sets in this cycle because Karajan.) Tomorrow, I start all over again with the letter “A” for “Abbado.” Only this time, I listen to Beethoven’s Symphony … [Read more…]

Day 125: Symphony No. 7 in A major (Wand)

Today is Thanksgiving Day in America. On this day, we often make a big meal – usually consisting of turkey and stuffing and mashed potatoes and gravy and pies of all kinds – and we eat this feast with family and/or friends. Ostensibly, we take time today to give thanks for whomever or whatever we … [Read more…]

Day 110: Symphony No. 7 in A major (Barenboim)

My listening post this morning is Tim Horton’s, the Canadian-based fast-food chain with the unique food and coffee. The only thing Tim Horton’s lacks is peameal bacon, which I had for breakfast near Toronto once and loved it. I’m tempted to re-enter Canada just so that I can get more peameal bacon. So, as I … [Read more…]