Day 149: Symphony No. 9 in D minor (Bohm)

My listening post this morning is with one of the most famous episodes of The Andy Griffith Show in the background: “Opie the Birdman” (Season Four, Episode One). If you ever get a chance to watch “Opie the Birdman,” do it. The last line of dialogue is one of the most famous – and poignant … [Read more…]

Day 113: Symphony No. 7 in A major (Bohm)

This morning, while I eat my tasty Midwestern Scramble at New Beginnings Restaurant, I look outside to see our first major snowfall of the season, sip quite tasty coffee that doesn’t seem to have a bottom because of the crack team of wait staff here, and I listen to Austrian conductor Karl Bohm, Wiener Philharmonica, … [Read more…]

Day 77: Symphony No. 5 in C minor (Bohm)

My office this morning is Baker Book House, perhaps the largest Christian bookstore in the Midwest. The Used section, alone, is larger than most bookstores. Baker is one of the largest repositories of theological books around. It’s a great place to get coffee, study, and listening to great music. I wish I was doing all … [Read more…]

Day 23: Symphony No. 2 in D Major (Bohm)

This morning’s “office” is Panera Bread, the restaurant chain that I have a dislike-hate relationship with. If Panera weren’t the only game in town at 6am (when I like to get started), I’d go somewhere else. I first encountered Austrian conductor Karl Bohm (1894-1981) on Day 5. This morning, as then, he works with the … [Read more…]

Day 5: Symphony No. 1 in C Major (Bohm)

This morning, as I sit on my balcony overlooking the lake, I sip a cup of Chick-fil-A coffee, watch a “flotilla” of geese swimming in single file from right to left across my field of vision, and listen to Karl Bohm (1894-1981) conduct the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra as they perform Beethoven’s Symphony No. 1 in … [Read more…]