Day 17: Symphony No. 1 in C Major (Wand)

This morning (Day 17 of my 18-day exploration of Beethoven’s First), under storm-threatening skies, I sit once again at Panera Restaurant – a place to which I keep swearing I’ll never return, although the reasons why seem to escape me at the moment. Sloppy service, so-so food, and a Light Roast coffee pot that seems … [Read more…]

Day 13: Symphony No. 1 in C Major (Konwitschny)

As with Otto Klemperer, I first encountered German conductor Franz Konwitschny when I explored the symphonic works of Anton Bruckner a year or two ago (see My Year-Long Project for details about my musical explorations, including Anton Bruckner). The orchestra for today’s recording is the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra, the Wikipedia entry for which tells us … [Read more…]

Day 9: Symphony No. 1 in C Major (Jochum)

If I recall my conductors correctly, German Eugen Jochum (1902-1987) was one of the best of the best when it came to Anton Bruckner’s symphonies. I know because I listened to Jochum 18 times as he conducted Bruckner’s nine symphonies from two different box sets. (See 144 Days With Bruckner And Me.) I think I … [Read more…]

Day 8: Symphony No. 1 in C Major (Haitink)

I like Bernard Haitink. A lot. I remember Amsterdam-born Maestro Haitink (1929- ) from my Bruckner projects a year or so ago (see My Year-Long Project page). That’s why I chose him for my Beethoven project. There was something about Haitink that stood out from almost all other conductors to which I listened. Could have … [Read more…]

Day 7: Symphony No. 1 in C Major (Furtwangler)

This morning’s conductor is the legendary Wilhelm Furtwangler (1886-1954). The orchestra is the Wiener Philharmoniker (Vienna Philharmonic). The venue is the Royal Albert Hall in London. Maestro Furtwangler died two years after this recording was made. I first encountered Wilhelm Furtwangler during my Bruckner projects. Something about him – maybe I just like saying his … [Read more…]

Day 2: Symphony No. 1 in C Major (Barenboim)

It’s been awhile (May 5, 2017) since my last musical adventure, so I’m not surprised that I totally forgot about my appointment with Ludwig this morning as my wife and I headed toward the car for Sunday donuts at Marge’s Donut Den in Wyoming, Michigan. Half-way down the steps, I stopped short, “Shoot!” I said … [Read more…]

Day 1: Symphony No. 1 in C Major (Abbado)

This morning, I begin another of my insane year-long musical explorations. Unlike previous projects (see My Year-Long Project page), I know this one will be interrupted by at least two life events: knee-replacement surgery, and a trip to Australia. I have no idea how I’ll continue with this Beethoven project with those two things looming … [Read more…]