Day 71: Symphony No. 4 in B flat Major (Wand)

This morning, I find myself listening to German conductor Gunter Wand (1912-2002) and the North German Radio Symphony Orchestra playing Beethoven’s Symphony No. 4 in B flat Major. I first encountered Maestro Wand in my Beethoven project on… Day 17. Rating: “Huzzah!” Day 35. Rating: “Huzzah!” Day 53. Rating: “Huzzah!” Three “Huzzah!” ratings in a … [Read more…]

Day 35: Symphony No. 2 in D Major (Wand)

I’m back at my “office” of New Beginnings restaurant and my Mexican chicken omelette with enough hot sauce to make my eyes water. To me, it’s the only way to enjoy food – if it stings and burns. This early in the morning, I need waking up like that. My listening fare today is Gunter … [Read more…]

Day 17: Symphony No. 1 in C Major (Wand)

This morning (Day 17 of my 18-day exploration of Beethoven’s First), under storm-threatening skies, I sit once again at Panera Restaurant – a place to which I keep swearing I’ll never return, although the reasons why seem to escape me at the moment. Sloppy service, so-so food, and a Light Roast coffee pot that seems … [Read more…]