Day 92: Symphony No. 6 in F major (Barenboim)

I’m back in my happy place – the second floor of our local library, overlooking the wide field out back. Today, in addition to the rain and hail slapping against windows and roof, I am listening to Argentine conductor Daniel Barenboim, Staatskapelle Berlin, and Beethoven’s Symphony No. 6 in F major. This is a wonderful … [Read more…]

Day 75: Symphony No. 5 in C minor (Barenboim)

My office this morning is my office this morning. Mea Culpa: I jumped the gun yesterday by listening to Leonard Bernstein rather than Daniel Barenboim. However, instead of posting Bernstein as if I’d written it today, I kept my mistake intact and so today I’m listening to Argentina-born conductor Daniel Barenboim (1942- ), Staatskapelle Berlin, … [Read more…]