Day 31: Symphony No. 2 in D Major (Konwitschny)

My office this morning is a table in the back of Bagel Beanery, the purveyor of the largest, tastiest bagels in Grand Rapids (for whatever that’s worth). So, as I sip my Breakfast Blend coffee, and munch on my Dill Havarti bagel (toasted with plain cream cheese), I listen to German conductor Franz Konwitschny (1901-1962) … [Read more…]

Day 25: Symphony No. 2 in D Major (Furtwangler)

Two years ago (2016-2017), I experienced a musical exploration of Bruckner’s nine primary symphonies from the perspective of some two dozen conductors. Somewhere along the way (probably when I got to the “F” letter of the alphabet), I discovered Wilhelm Furtwangler (1886-1954). I was immediately taken with the historic nature of the recordings and wanted … [Read more…]

Day 10: Symphony No. 1 in C Major (Karajan)

Austrian conductor Herbert von Karajan (1908-1989) scares me. The Cult of Karajan is a powerful one, with many music aficionados revering him and the ground he walked on. I’ve tried to separate that – with varying degrees of success – from my listening experiences with the late Maestro. His bio on Wikipedia doesn’t make it … [Read more…]