Day 162: Symphony No. 9 in D minor (Zinman)

Today is the last day of my 162-day project. (That’s nearly six straight months, to you and me.) It would be foolhardy of me to claim I didn’t learn anything, or that I didn’t enjoy myself. Once again, I learned a lot. And I had fun doing it. So these 162 days were time well … [Read more…]

Day 144: Symphony No. 8 in F major (Zinman)

My listening post this morning is in front of our Christmas tree, overlooking a frozen lake. To my left is a mug of coffee and – in my 5-CD changer – are the first five Jefferson Starship albums turned down low, like the music would be in a restaurant. To my right is a notepad … [Read more…]

Day 126: Symphony No. 7 in A major (Zinman)

Today marks the end of my journey through Beethoven’s Seventh, as interpreted by 17 different conductors in 18 different CD box sets. (Remember: Herbert von Karajan got two box sets in this cycle because Karajan.) Tomorrow, I start all over again with the letter “A” for “Abbado.” Only this time, I listen to Beethoven’s Symphony … [Read more…]

Day 108: Symphony No. 6 in F major (Zinman)

This evening, with Disc One, Episode One of The Crown (the British TV series that “follows the political rivalries and romance of Queen Elizabeth II’s reign and the events that shaped the second half of the 20th century”) in the background…and David Zinman (1936- ), Tonhalle Orchester Zurich, and Beethoven’s Symphony No. 6 in F … [Read more…]

Day 90: Symphony No. 5 in C minor (Zinman)

My office this morning is my office this morning. I’m sipping coffee from Bagel Beanery, munching on roasted almonds, listening to David Zinman (1936- ), Tonhalle Orchester Zurich, and Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5 in C minor. Today is the last time I hear to Beethoven’s Fifth in this 162-day project of mine. Tomorrow, I return … [Read more…]

Day 72: Symphony No. 4 in B flat Major (Zinman)

My office today is the D&W Foods store and cafeteria. I had wanted to go see the movie Blaze. But thanks to construction at the mall, there are no places to park even close to the movie theater. So I aborted and drove here to listen to American conductor David Zinman (1936- ), Tonhalle Orchster … [Read more…]

Day 54: Symphony No. 3 in E flat Major (Zinman)

This morning, I am listening to American conductor David Zinman (1936- ), Tonhalle Orchester Zurich, and Beethoven’s Symphony No. 3 in E flat Major. Prior to my Beethoven project, I had only vaguely heard of Maestro Zinman. According to his bio on Wikipedia, “[Zinman] then worked in Maine with Pierre Monteux from 1958 to 1962, … [Read more…]

Day 36: Symphony No. 2 in D Major (Zinman)

The last time I encountered David Zinman was on (Day 18). If I recall correctly, I was less than enamored, awarding the performance a resounding “Meh!” In retrospect, I think that was because of so many firsts: First all-digital (DDD) recording, first time listening to a Urtext Edition, first time listening to a CD from … [Read more…]

Day 18: Symphony No. 1 in C Major (Zinman)

This morning (Day 18, and the last day of the first leg of my journey) represents a bunch of firsts for me, to wit: I’d never heard anything conducted by David Zinman. I’d never heard the Tonhalle Orchester Zürich perform. I’d never heard of an Urtext edition. I’d never heard of the Arte Nova Classics … [Read more…]